This blog is adapted from a series of articles I wrote for Vinyl Pros magazine - Yes, there really is a magazine all about vinyl wrapping, and I was thrilled to be asked to contribute my two cents as their guest interior design writer!
Vinyl wrap can be used on everything from worktops to wardrobes, but it's hugely popular for kitchens due to its durability and easy-cleanability (yes I made that word up!)
So if you're vinyl-curious and keen to save your kitchen cabinets from landfill, here's my hot take on how to get the wrapping party started!
Start with the finish
Glossy, matt, textured, chrome...? Thinking about what type of finish you want is possibly the most important question of all.
If your expression is blank and bewildered right now, fear not! Let's break it down a little...
Does your home have a particular aesthetic? How do you want to feel in the space?
This last question is especially important in a muti-functional room, like an all-in-one kitchen/dining/living space. You might be thinking ‘I want to feel uncluttered’, in which case, I'd recommend simple, solid colour finishes.
Alternatively, you might want it to feel ‘warm’ and ‘inviting’, in which case you could bring in a wood finish, either on its own or used alongside a solid colour (read on for my top tip for getting your ratios right!)

Avoid getting overwhelmed
You've made some enquiries and now you have a deck of samples to choose from. This vinyl wrapping business is all new to you, and you weren’t expecting such a huge choice!
Fantastic! Having choice is great, but too much choice can be overwhelming. Most people end up just going for something they know, instead of something they will LOVE!
Enter Pinterest… It takes no time at all to create a Pinterest account. And a quick search will fill your feed with dozens of gorgeous images of vinyl wrapped kitchens which you can then pin to different boards. To get you started, you could create various boards for specific finishes, such as ‘Warm Woods’ or ‘Bold Colours’.
P.S watch out, it’s addictive!
P.P.S This little bit of homework is going to save you lots of time further down the line!
Work with current trends
I’m a little bit wary of this one, as I don’t personally like a trend for the sake of it, but there are three ways it tends to go:
- Bold colours: If you love bold colour trends but you're scared of getting it wrong, I’d suggest looking for colours that you can easily find in nature and that you often see when you look out of the window, and bring the outside in! Blues and greens are probably the way to go, then mix with a warm wood for that bit extra. Us humans evolved in nature and so if you can bring the colours of the natural world into your home, it’s going to feel calm, safe and all the lovely feels!
- Statement splashbacks or worktops: These are making big waves right now and are a
creative way to bring a hit of personality. This is where your Pinterest board could
come in very handy! Pair a striking stone or contemporary terrazo with warm wood cabinetry to soften the look. Niiiiice!
- Metal and leather finishes: The clever way to make this work, and make it look bang
up to date, is to mix and layer different textures, for a super sexy space. Try and stick to one dominant finish (roughly 70%), and then work with another couple of finishes as accents. Anymore than 3 or 4 and it’ll start to look a little messy.

When it comes to smaller kitchens...
Word to the wise... the mix-and-match strategy might end up feeling cluttered rather than cool, so don't miss my next blog on working with vinyl in smaller kitchens!
If that has got you thinking, I'd love to hear your ideas!
Until next time...